Jan 25, 2021
Living in a conscious relationship means putting in the time and effort that it deserves. Our relationships should not be a source of constant frustration or anxiety as we have enough of that in our world. Quality time with our relational partners over the years builds strong bonds of emotional intimacy. It is this...
Jan 18, 2021
Listen in as I go through some of the top strategies to spend more quality time with your kids, family, and significant other.
This is all backed by some of the latest research into quality time & communication and the impact it has on the development of children. Their brains are growing and developing at rapid...
Jan 11, 2021
Our new series will focus on spending quality time with those around us and what role communication plays in this area. As we begin the new year, it’s important to re-evaluate our priorities, where we spend our time, and start getting our own houses in order.
‘Don’t Blink’ will be a personal and genuine approach...
Jan 4, 2021
2021 is here! Now is the time to start thinking about your personal vision and motivations for the new year. All of us want 2021 to be the ultimate rebound year but that requires intentional choices on our end!
Having a 'One Word' vision for the new year allows you to simplify your goals, resolutions and motivations...